Saturday 6 March 2010

Considerations on energy costs for running a Big Screen TV

Energy to direct a big screen TV is not usually a priority in most peoples' minds, but times are hard and understand the cost of monthly balance sheet is very important. The purchase of a new big screen TV will have your e-bills for the coming years. Home heating and cooling, with lighting and consider the top for the most energy, but large-screen TV are not funny when it comes to your use of energy resources. Bit a 'ofSizes and types, especially plasma, use more energy than a refrigerator efficiently.

Engineers have determined the energy of an LCD, plasma and rear projection TVs will be on for 8 hours a day, 365 days a year. Yes, this is the typical use is one of American households watching television each year. Most of the set does not use energy much more than a 32 - to 36-inch CRT TV. But the 50-inch plasma with 1080p resolution, using twice the amount of energy as a bigger pictureSeptember Tube and more than a comparable LCD TV.

It 'obvious that the larger screens will consume all types of electric power television more than the smaller models. And you must know that LCD and projection TV has a screen resolution of almost no impact on energy consumption, because all pixels are illuminated on the screen of the same background lighting. However, with 1080p plasma sets are the models more energy than the 720p models. This is to have that many sets as 1080pPixels, each of which is individually illuminated. With LCD sets is an important factor, the higher the backlight setting, the more power it consumes. Only a few numbers for you to understand, a recent 20-m-cu. Refrigerator costs about $ 50 a year to run, and a 50 inch 1080p plasma costs about $ 110 a year. (These figures are based on Department of Energy 2007, the national average price for energy.)

Although differences in the cost of a few dollars a month does not mattermuch on budgetary needs, keep in mind that millions of televisions in American households consume an enormous amount of energy. It 'definitely a benefit to the environment, with an increase in television energy efficiency.

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